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Fatal Distractions


It was in October of 2003, when tragedy struck at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. While preforming “Siegfried and Roy,” the world famous show came to an abrupt end when Roy Horn, one of the stars of the show, was attacked by a 230-pound white Bengal Tiger.

Roy brought the tiger and announced to the crowd, “this is his first show.” Then all of a sudden, the tiger grabbed the arm of Roy, Roy hit the tiger on the head with microphone, and then in a split second, the powerful tiger pulled him to the ground and latched on to the back of Roy’s head; piercing his neck and skull. Then the tiger proceeded to drag him off the stage. Some still thought that It was part of the show, until Siegfried came out and announced that the show was over.

Some audience members then said they heard Roy scream and yell as trainers ran behind the curtain to help him.

Today, Roy Horn is paralyzed from the attack. Many still don’t know what caused the tiger to do what he did, but they know for sure, that something distracted it. Something caused it to lose its trained focus and almost completely take the life of its trainer.

A distraction at any level can be fatal. However, worse than any distraction that leads to a fatality, is the harsh reality that many people have allowed distractions to become spiritually fatal; that have allowed their vision to be distracted.

Samson was called to be a great a deliverer of his people. God called him to make a difference in His world, but was distracted by his lust for a woman.

His future was robbed, because he was distracted.

It was the rich, young ruler that came to Jesus and said what must I do to be saved.

He said, “sell what thou has and pick up the cross and follow me.”

But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

His possessions were his fatal distractions.

Esau sold his birthright because he allowed his momentary hunger to distract him.

While God was trying to bring Lot and his family out of destruction, Lot’s wife turned back and was turned into a pillar of salt, because she allowed herself to be distracted by her past.

You can see how fatal distractions can be.

You can see that distractions can be the cause of somebody’s dreams being destroyed and future never coming to pass.

Distractions can be the difference between possibility and reality.

I’ve come tonight with a very simple thought:

Don’t let anything distract you from God and what He has for you.

Don’t let anything get in the way of you and your relationship with God.

Many people are distracted by their past, wondering if God can really use them, and if he really cares about them.

Some of you are distracted by what has happened in your past, wondering if it is ever going to be the same again.

Is my relationship with Him ever going to be what it once was?

Some of you are distracted by the thoughts of events that have unfolded.


Why did they have to die?

Why did I have to go through that?

Why am I going through this?

Will revival ever really come to me?

Will I ever get my breakthrough?

Will I ever recover from my situation?


These are all distractions that can be fatal to your relationship with God.

The enemy would love for you to be so caught up with distractions that you miss what God is really trying to do.

Understand: no matter what has happened to you, or what does happen to you, God is still God.

The enemy would love for distractions to rob you of your faith and hope in Him.

God is still in control of your life. God has not left you nor has he forsaken you. God is still with you.

Don’t let Satan distract you from your calling.

Some questions you have you’ll never get an answer for, but when the trumpet sounds, then we will know why things happened the way they did.

But for now, when we come into the house of God, we cannot allow the distractions of this world to prove fatal.

Every time we come in here we need to be focused on Him.

He deserves all of our attention and praise.

Elijah, Ahab, and the Cloud

Just because you may not see it physically yet doesn’t mean God isn’t getting ready to do it spiritually.

Don’t let what you cannot see distract you from the fact that God is still there.

Don’t let what you have not received yet distract you from reaching for it again.


Luke 18:2-5 (KJV)

2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:

3 And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.

4 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.


She did not allow the first time failure to be a distraction.

Don’t let your past distract you from your future.

Your failures are not fatal and they are not final.

Don’t let where you are distract you from where God wants you to be.

David held up in the cave in Abdullham.

The enemy had him surrounded and were ready to kill him, but his mighty men of valor broke through the host of the Philistines. The end result was David coming out of the cave and defeating the Philistines.

He was distracted for a while by the enemy and how big their army was, but when there was breakthrough he realized God was on his side.

God is still on your side.

He doesn’t want distractions to become fatal.

Get your mind on Him!