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Steps To Conquering Lost Land For Christ

Identify enemy territory.


a.     Have you noticed a reoccurring sin in your life?

(Envy, hatred, lust, jealousy, road rage, theft, etc)

b.     Have you noticed repetitive, yet odd, behaviour?

(It might/might not be wrong, but you can’t stop it)

c.      Do you do something that you know is wrong?

(These are easy!  Replace it with a Christian habit)

d.     Do you notice negative responses to your actions?

(People get upset, or people shy away from you)


e.     Have you noticed a virtue missing in your life?

(Joy, confidence, boldness, love, selflessness, discipline)

f.       Are you missing a Christian character in your life?

(Bible reading, prayer, witnessing, church attendance)

g.     Is there something that you would like to improve?

(You know how to be good, but need more practice)

h.     Is there a spiritual trait that you’d like to develop?

(Prayerfulness, spiritual fruit & gifts, peace, kindness)

2.                 Analyse the Source of the Trouble.

a.     Is this the TROUBLE or is it merely a SYMPTOM of a trouble?

b.     Benefits and problems are usually inter-related with each other, but can you find the SINGLE most important problem in this situation?  This means that several areas of your life may be improved with the fixing of just one, but we must limit ourselves to just ONE at a time!

c.      Ask yourself honestly, what is Biblically wrong with this trouble?

3.                 Examine to see if there is a Godly Replacement Available.

a.     Usually, every obsession is a clear manifestation of a need unfulfilled by Christ.  Jesus has a desire to supply your every need.

b.     The answer has been thwarted by you or fulfilled from another source.

c.      This should give us hope.  We should not view ourselves as extreme.

d.     Is there a promise in the Scriptures where God promises to satisfy this need?  Promises are like vouchers!  They can be redeemed!

4.                 Find some Scriptures you can Memorise.

a.     This will give you Biblical direction in your pursuit for victory.

b.     This will give you confidence in your pursuit for liberty.

c.      This will help you to think the way God thinks.

d.     This will feed your soul with food you just might need in the future.

5.                 Give yourself Homework, Jobs or Missions.

a.     Practice those virtues you desire to have – as often as you want.

b.     However, give yourself strict directions what to do the next time you are under temptation.  DO NOT ACTIVELY SEEK TEMPTATION AND ATTEMPT TO RESIST IT!  When tempted naturally, resist it.

c.      Avoiding temptation is also a suitable replacement for resisting sin.  There is virtue in avoiding temptation; you are doing well to do so.

d.     Remember that you will have limited and temporary victory without the power of the Holy Spirit.  These are key times to learn to depend upon God’s strength to do God’s will in times of temptation.  Call on Jesus verbally or in your spirit – He will deliver those who trust in Him.  Without Him we can do nothing, with Him we can do anything!

6.                 Give yourself Time to Prove the Submission of a City.

a.     Victory is not won overnight, nor is victory deemed impossible.

b.     Understand that with each individual victory, you are actually growing stronger.  You might not feel stronger (the temptation was still very tempting), but you are building momentum and demonstrating the power of submission to God’s will.

c.      Listen for God’s voice (your conscience or the Holy Spirit) speaking to you telling you what to do in times of temptation.  The more you resist, the more sensitive you will be to God in all areas of your life.

d.     Repent for every failure, apologize, and commit yourself to specific action for the next time temptation arrives.  Don’t quit or admit defeat.  Humans fall, but God strengthens those who commit themselves to Him.  Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you!

e.     After several months of (mostly) success, you may claim the victory.

7.        Become a Slum Lord, or Plant a Lovely Garden.

a.     Remember that pockets of terrorists live in conquered lands (Adolph Hitler, for example), and conquered territories must be maintained.

b.     Keep a diligent eye on this area of your life.  Enjoy the freedom, but do not allow the devil to convince you that control means letting the dogs free once in a while to prove you can call them in at will.  Once the enemies have been locked in prison, they must be left there to rot.

c.      Once you declare war on the city, you must acknowledge that this is one area in your life that you will never set free (slum lord).

d.     However, if it is possible to also replace this vacuum in your life with new music, friends, activities (or whatever) – then do that as well.  This is better, because vacuums demand to be filled (they suck).  Gardens are much more pleasant to maintain, manicure and feed.  The harvest is better, too!  People often plant flowers above graves.