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More than ever, church leaders need encouragement and direction as they lead their congregations toward growth. Here you will find hundreds of blog articles that will inspire and challenge you as you build your ministry.


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Developing A Growing Church

Pastor Ray Johnson of the Denham Springs Pentecostal Church shares the characteristics of a growing church. There are specific, reasonable and attainable growth goals that […]

How Soon Do You...

How soon do you begin training people in leadership positions?  Well, let me ask you – how long do you wait to help a baby […]

How to Lead a Spirit-filled Worship Service

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father […]

Strategies For Discipleship

Good leaders motivate, mobilize, direct and resource people to fulfill a vision.  Our Lord knew well how to do all of these with His own […]

25 Questions To Ask Before Making Major Decisions

Not every question in this list will help you in every situation. This is simply a check list to help you keep from overlooking important […]

Decision Making

Most leaders must constantly work at making decisions simple. The implication of a decision will always be complex enough, and sometimes we try to solve […]

Because a Little Bug went “Ka-Choo!”

The title of my article is borrowed from a book of great truth. Some books, although not biblical in origin, bear great truth nonetheless. Had […]

God Wants To Change Our Reality, Now!

The problem with life is that is shows up regular and so suddenly, leaving in its wake—Our Reality. Many of us wish that our Reality […]

When You're The New Pastor

New Pastors often make elementary mistakes when they assume the pastorate of a church. Even though you’re now the pastor, you’re still the “new kid […]

Miracles Are Happening!

I want to share with you a letter I received from Rev. Fred Childs recently. I believe from time to time we need to stop […]

Protecting Your Time with God

Years ago, A. W. Tozer penned, “We’re here to be worshippers first and workers only second. We take a convert and immediately make a worker […]

A Husband's Responsibilities - For Men Only

1. He is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave […]

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