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More than ever, church leaders need encouragement and direction as they lead their congregations toward growth. Here you will find hundreds of blog articles that will inspire and challenge you as you build your ministry.


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Be A Man!

 “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just” (Proverbs 13:22). “Behold, […]

Reflections on Leadership

People do what people see. They forgot my sermons, but followed my footsteps. Leading others takes courage. Knowing the right decision is usually easy. Making […]

The Value Of A Good Instrument

The carpenter relies upon his tools to be correct for whatever job is being done and, also, that his saw is sharp and the proper […]

Love Not In Word Only

There is no doubt that our God walked among us in the body of Jesus not only to deliver, but demonstrate that God is Love. […]

The Little Red Shirt

  In the nightstand next to my bedside is a plastic baggie. Folded neatly inside is a small remnant of what remains of a little […]

Staying Focused in Your Area of Ministry

(This is an excellent article for Pastors to share with anyone involved in leadership or ministry in their church.) Sometimes you just have to say […]

The Road Rage Phenonmenon!

What makes people act the way they do when they get in a car. If I bumped into you as we enter an elevator, I […]

How Do You Demonstrate Leadership?

Fundamental principles underlie the thinking and conduct of all true leaders, and these principles are even sharply defined for leaders within the kingdom of God. […]

Seral Succession

All it takes to start a fire is a little fuel, the right atmospheric conditions, and a source of ignition, perhaps as small as a […]

The Five Hidden Costs of Leadership

Are you willing to pay them? The price of people’s projections. Church leaders can become targets of people’s projections of negative feelings toward authority figures […]

Putting People First - 10 attributes of a Leader

What attributes qualify us for leadership? Here is a few suggestions on how these qualities might be put to use. 1. Integrity – Where integrity […]

After A Really Really Really Bad Day

Ever had one? One of those days where you wish you would have stayed in bed? I had one last week. Well, actually I had […]

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