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Sound The Kings Trumpets

            Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble:     for the day  of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand  ( Joel 2:1 ).


The trumpet is a musical instrument that is used in many occasions.  It can be   used as a summons  to  battle,  to  sound  an  alarm,   and   to   announce the arrival  of a king.

When we look at the sixth chapter of Joshua, we read of the priests blowing the rams horns at the battle of Jericho.

The trumpet played an important part in this battle.  At the blowing of the rams horns, the shouting of Israel, God gave the victory.  Israel had received the promise of the land  of  Canaan,  but before settlement could take place, this battle had  to be fought.

When we read the history concerning the sins of Jericho, we wonder sometimes why God didn’t destroy cities like this many years before.  Jericho was an exceedingly sinful city, waiting for the judgment of God.

Israel  was called to destroy this city  with  the sounding of  the rams


I believe, God is calling us to battle today.  The trumpet is being sounded.  We live in a society where sin is abounding everywhere.  The same sins of Jericho, are being committed here in America, and on a larger scale.

There is a spiritual battle going on.  Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, there has been a battle for the souls of men.  A spiritual battle of good and evil.

The world is the battleground, and the prize is the souls of men.

Satan has his army today.  He has an army of demons and fallen angels.  His mission is to seek and destroy the souls of men and women.

He does this in a very clever way.  He never jumps out at you and says, “Hey, I’m the devil, please follow me.”  He is too clever for this approach.  He is very cunning and sly.  He uses the avenues of sin to destroy souls.

Satan never lost his musical talents and beauty when he fell from Heaven, it simply became corrupt.  He uses his musical ability and beauty in the world today, to lure and snare the souls of men.  His ways are attractive, inviting, and popular, but it is the way of death.

He invites this generation to indulge in drinking, drugs, sex, rebellion, and devil music.  He wins the battle in many lives by these avenues of sin.  These are the weapons of his warfare.

Let me sound the trumpet today.

Let me call you to battle.

God   has   an   army   of   born   again   believers,   and   the   angels   of   Heaven.

This is the army of the righteous.  This way is the way of life.  God  needs  soldiers  today, just as Uncle Sam needs good men.

God needs soldiers of the cross.

God needs soldiers of the truth.

God needs soldiers who can move the glory world.

God needs soldiers who can shake Hell.

God needs soldiers who can take the word of truth, and put to flight the enemies of God.

Since the world is the battleground, there is no neutral ground.  Everyone must enlist in either army.  We are either in the army of Satan, or the army of God.

Which army are you in today?

Sound the trumpet to battle!

Wake up the sinner!

Wake up the backslider!

Wake up the saints!

Wake up the world!

There is another trumpet I want to sound today, the trumpet of alarm.  We are living in the last days.  The signs of the times are all around us.

Evil has swept our world.

Nuclear destruction is now possible.

Israel has returned to their homeland.

Blow the trumpet, sound an alarm in God’s Holy mountain.

Fearful things are coming  upon  our  world.   There  is  not  much  time  left.   Our economy is falling.  The nations are fearful.

Won’t someone please sound the alarm!

Blow the trumpet, preacher!

Blow the trumpet saints!

Hope is fading!

Sound the alarm!

There is another trumpet today I want you to note, the trumpet to announce the arrival of Jesus Christ.

One day, I don’t know when, Gabriel will step one foot on the land, and one foot on the sea, and he will blow the trumpet that will announce the arrival of King Jesus.
Jesus will split the Eastern skies.  Every eye shall see Him, and every knee shall bow before Him.

I’m ready for that trumpet today.

Are you ready for this trumpet?

Can you hear the sound of the King’s trumpets today, ringing in your soul?
Get ready, there is an expectancy in the air.  Lift up your heads, Oh, ye saints, for your redemption draweth nigh.